How do you express your ADHD identity in speech?
When talking about it I say "I *am* autistic" (vs. having autism) because it's core to my identity, not some kind of ailment like the flu or burnout. But I'm struggling expressing this for ADHD. It doesn't feel right to say "somebody is ADH *disorder*". That sounds like an insult, not an expression of identity.
How do you express your ADHD identity in speech?
When talking about it I say "I *am* autistic" (vs. having autism) because it's core to my identity, not some kind of ailment like the flu or burnout. But I'm struggling expressing this for ADHD. It doesn't feel right to say "somebody is ADH *disorder*". That sounds like an insult, not an expression of identity.
Niamh Garvey
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•FWIW I went with "being neurodiverse" for the general case and "being an ADHD-er" for ADHD in particular for now.
Or rather "neurodivers sein" resp. "ADHSler sein" since I'm communicating with somebody in German, but as you can see it's pretty much the same as in English.
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•Hat tip to @melindrea for the pointer
Antonius Marie ⚧
2023-01-18 20:27:31
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