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Perhaps Electron is popular, because the Web has won as the preferred UI toolkit?

Using OS-native widgets doesn't seem to be that valuable any more. Windows itself has 11 incoherent styles. Cocoa is now just `* { box-radius: 20px; box-shadow: 20px; opacity: 0.5 }, so why even bother?
Electron has seen wide use in some very popular desktop apps. I'm pretty sure this is because visual/frontend developers already know HTML5 and:
1. Don't want to learn at least 3 desktop toolkits.
2. Don't want to learn any desktop toolkit.
This entry was edited (2 years ago)
But that's old, not new. New is that some people don't write a desktop app at all and some write it with web tech.
This entry was edited (2 years ago)
The web is not a "UI toolkit". Electron is popular because fads.
What's more likely: that many companies, including billion dollar ones with top developers, have carefully evaluated pros and cons and consciously chosen Electron,
or that it's a fad, and only you're smart enough to see it.

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